Taiwan has begun to enter an aging society, and heart disease is a problem that must be faced in the silver-haired long-term plan. Ke Hongyan, a cardiovascular surgeon at the General Hospital of the Three Armies, said that among these problems, valvular heart disease is particularly difficult because it cannot be Drug therapy, coupled with open surgery, the current minimally invasive transcatheter aortic valve replacement surgery, to help avoid the risk of traditional thoracotomy, large wounds, cardiopulmonary bypass, and long-term general anesthesia.
Ke Hongyan pointed out that there was an 82-year-old Chen Bobo who had a history of hypertension and diabetes for a long time and had a stroke but recovered well. Currently, he is regularly controlled by drugs. However, at the beginning of this year, the mobility became worse. Walking up the stairs will cause chest tightness and wheezing, and combined with the symptoms of edema of the feet. In the near future, there are symptoms of near fainting, and even several falls, after the ultrasound examination of the heart. It was confirmed that severe aortic valve stenosis caused symptoms such as heart failure and insufficient brain circulation.
The three general team discussed with patients and their families, considering the risk of traditional open surgery, and finally decided to undergo minimally invasive transcatheter aortic valve replacement surgery. The operation was successful and successful. Only the wound of the squid was less than one centimeter. The patient recovered well and was discharged one week after the operation. The symptoms of preoperative discomfort have improved.
Ke Hongyan explained that once the aortic valve is narrowed due to degeneration or rheumatism, the heart can not output enough blood to supply the circulation of the whole body. It will also cause the heart to work hard and cause the heart to fail. Later, it will progress to the heart. In the case of exhaustion and asthma and edema, the average survival time is no more than two years without intervention.
The most effective treatment is valve replacement surgery. Traditional open thoracic aortic valve replacement surgery has been carried out for many years. It is a very mature and effective operation, but for the elderly who are older and have many chronic diseases, surgery and anesthesia The risk is relatively increased, and in recent years, aortic valve replacement has been developed by implanting a compressed tissue valve through a peripheral catheter, which helps to avoid large wounds in traditional thoracotomy, cardiopulmonary bypass, and prolonged general anesthesia. Therefore, the patient can recover faster and return to normal life after surgery.
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