

骨骼肌肉超音波 早期診斷追蹤治療


1. 早期診斷:在偵測早期類風濕性關節炎方面上,超音波比臨床檢查更敏感。

2. 疾病監測:藉由超音波影像學上的變化,可以追蹤類風濕性關節炎活性和對治療後的反應。

3. 預後評估:在疾病早期若偵測到骨侵蝕代表預後不佳,使臨床醫師早期且積極地使用疾病修飾抗風濕藥物治療類風濕性關節炎。

4. 介入性治療:關節液抽吸和關節內注射是診斷和治療類風濕性關節炎的實作項目。

即時動態影像 準確定位病灶



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In recent years, the public's awareness of rheumatoid arthritis has gradually increased through media education and online information dissemination, but it is not so easy to diagnose. Thanks to advances in medical technology, rheumatoid arthritis has been diagnosed via skeletal muscle ultrasound, which differs from traditional X-ray images in that skeletal muscle ultrasound provides joint synovial membranes, tendons, ligaments, muscles and bone surfaces. The image can also be dynamically evaluated on the subject's exercise to further understand the extent of joint inflammation.

Skeletal muscle ultrasound early diagnosis and treatment

Cai Mingxue, an attending physician at the Department of Allergy and Immunology, Department of Hepatic and Child Health, Taipei City United Hospital, said that the most important applications of skeletal muscle ultrasound in rheumatoid arthritis are:

1. Early diagnosis: Ultrasound is more sensitive than clinical examination in detecting early rheumatoid arthritis.

2. Disease surveillance: Rheumatoid arthritis activity and response to treatment can be tracked by changes in ultrasound imaging.

3. Prognostic assessment: If bone erosion is detected in the early stages of the disease, the prognosis is poor, allowing clinicians to use rheumatoid arthritis early and aggressively with disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs.

4. Interventional therapy: Joint fluid aspiration and intra-articular injection are the implementation projects for the diagnosis and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.

Instant motion image Accurate location of lesions

Dr. Cai Mingxue pointed out that the traditional method of diagnosing rheumatoid arthritis is to use the method of palpation to find the surface bone as the target, for joint fluid aspiration and intra-articular injection, but the conventional palpation has difficulty in the joint or Smaller joints can easily lead to diagnosis and treatment failure using this method. Using ultrasound guidance, through instant motion images, you can accurately locate the lesion and increase the chances of success in diagnosis and treatment.

According to Cai Mingxue, skeletal muscle ultrasound has many advantages, including being close-to-close, non-radiative, relatively inexpensive, and capable of dynamically tracking disease changes, with an effective tool for early diagnosis, assessment of disease activity, and tracking of treatment response. As skeletal muscle ultrasound and rheumatoid arthritis related research continues to be published, and clinicians continue to improve, skeletal muscle ultrasound is likely to become part of the diagnostic and therapeutic guidelines for rheumatoid arthritis.

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